1. Ed can ---- some work for you. Make sure to show him around first.
2. Would you ---- me a favour and go in first? I'm scared of the Dentist.
3. ------- as though you had fun?
4. Steve and Emma didn't like the restaurant very much, but they knew -------- eat there since they hadn't reservations anywhere else.
5. When my hair was short ------ easy to care for, but I prefer it long.
6. She'd better turn down the music. ----- going to upset the neighbours.
7. I've ----- your bedroom to make it brighter.
8. ------- so many jobs advertised. It won't do him any harm to try a few.
9. ------- nothing better than classical music. It's so beautiful to listen to.
10. If you're not willing to listen, you'd ------ leave right now.
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