Causatives and Permissives (Test)


Causatives and Permissives - Test


1. How did Jessica --------- result? She got extra classes.

  • get that
  • got that
  • have that

2. I'd like the letter ----- to my home address. Is that possible?

  • sent
  • will send
  • sending

3. That meal ----- delicious. Who cooked it?

  • is
  • was
  • will be

4. ----- you like me to explain my answer in front of the class? It will be easier that way.

  • Would
  • Should
  • Can

5. It's not fair. Why ------ I ever go out on school nights?

  • can't
  • can
  • will

6. I'd like ------ my dinner at 6. Can you have it ready by then?

  • have
  • having
  • to have

7. Will you be back by 8? ------- mind your sister.

  • You have to
  • Have you to
  • Having to

8. How come you were able to leave so early? Well, ----- a dentist appointment.

  • I have
  • I had
  • having

9. Can you ----- her call me as soon as possible, it is very important.

  • have
  • having
  • to have

10. Could she not just work on a Saturday? It's too much work ----- 3 days a week.

  • doing
  • did
  • will do

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